Thursday, June 25, 2009


The Stripey Sock....this yarn creates stripes as you use it. Fun, huh? And what wild stripes they are! I have to be careful now, because my last sock with this pattern was huge. Maybe just another stripe and I'll start closing it off.

A Rugged something or's a gift so I have to be mysterious here...

This will one day be a cardigan. Can you believe it?

The one day to be Beaded Cami. I like the lace design on the bottom. Now it's just a bunch of stockinette stitch...which can get boring, but it's great for movies (where lace is not).

And Vanessa is coming along...She's all baked, sanded, and patiently awaits her hands and feet. And hair, and wings, and clothes....we'll get there. She's not getting cold's plenty warm in these parts. They are coming to fix the a/c tomorrow! The boys have been melting up in their loft room.


M.E. Greene said...

Great progress on all fronts! Love the fairy. Can't wait to see her come to life with hair and wings, etc... :)

The knitting looks fabulous!

By the way, you know what's so darn funny to me? I've had several people tell me that these socks turn out too tiny for them and they can't even slip them on their feet. I realize more than ever that no two knitters (or feet) are identical. Hope these turn out awesome for you!

Duncan said...

Cute socks! But I do think Vanessa is cold.

Zeke said...

I like the socks. Um...what's a cami?