Saturday, November 01, 2008

Musings and Camera Fun on November 1

Fun with Self-Portraits...

Watch my finger glow!

Have you seen these pictures on the Internet--random poses and self-portraits. I like how you just catch yourself here and there, and snap the shot. Kind of fun.

I have to say, I really like my hands. They are probably my favorite attribute--and the ones I see the most, especially when I am writing away.

Last year's boots that I'm excited to wear again this year...

Then, the random self portrait, taken in our new bathroom. I love tile. It's so earthy.

Have you ever really looked yourself in the eyes? I seem to catch myself with a serious face quite often. Which is strange, because I don't FEEL all that serious. Aren't eyes amazing, though? They capture a million different emotions--and then when you look at them very close up, they have another million facets. I love eyes. I think I have eye-close-ups for each of my children.

Hmmm...hubby and daughter just got home. Steph watched The Crucible--a play her school was putting on, and Randy went to fetch her. Time to stop musing...

1 comment:

M.E. Greene said...

those are way fun! I'll have to try that out.