Thursday, June 25, 2009


The Stripey Sock....this yarn creates stripes as you use it. Fun, huh? And what wild stripes they are! I have to be careful now, because my last sock with this pattern was huge. Maybe just another stripe and I'll start closing it off.

A Rugged something or's a gift so I have to be mysterious here...

This will one day be a cardigan. Can you believe it?

The one day to be Beaded Cami. I like the lace design on the bottom. Now it's just a bunch of stockinette stitch...which can get boring, but it's great for movies (where lace is not).

And Vanessa is coming along...She's all baked, sanded, and patiently awaits her hands and feet. And hair, and wings, and clothes....we'll get there. She's not getting cold's plenty warm in these parts. They are coming to fix the a/c tomorrow! The boys have been melting up in their loft room.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cardigan not....

Hmph.....well, it wasn't supposed to fit me when I was pregnant, so all I can say is anyone trying to make this cardigan....use the smallest size! I picked my normal size and it was huge, but still...not bad for a first real project. I actually might knit this one again sometime, once I learn how to alter patterns better and have a better idea for how big something might turn out.

So, this is me 6 months pregnant. 3 to go. Phew....I need to take this thing off. Is it hot everywhere these days, or is it just me?

Well, that's real news. Happily I'm doing better these days, and not on bed rest so much. See how happy this makes me? to knit something else I for sure can't wear while I'm pregnant. (I don't have the patience to knit something that will only last a couple more months.)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

A mom's best friend...& some cool photos (photos first)

Just some cool photos I found. The one at the top is a 12 yr old Afghan girl. It was on the cover of National Geographic. When I first say it, the lady at Albertson's said that her eyes were amazing, but that actually she had some disease that made them that way. Well, that was inaccurate apparently, because this same gal is now a mother of 3. So I thought that was cool. Neat eyes just because God gave them to her.

This is the best thing for a pregnant lady...I'm living proof. I've had much less pain since wearing this. Would have been nice to know for the other 5 pregnancies, but better late than never.

Some songs don't really make much sense, but they sure are fun. This one is from Dumb & Dumber. Crash Test Dummies.